چهارشنبه ۲۵ مهر ۰۳

Differences between rugs and carpets

۶ بازديد

The roots of carpet weaving can be found in Central Asia, Eastern Europe, the Middle East and Africa among the nomads. In fact,  wherever animal husbandry was going on, carpet weaving was also formed; Because the history of this art has a deep connection with the lifestyle of livestock breeders. Therefore, wherever there is a concentration of livestock breeders, such as in some areas of Iran, you can find a school of Iranian carpet weaving. 

Many people believe that since carpet weaving is easier than carpets, probably the people of ancient times first weaved carpets and later thought of carpet weaving. The oldest rug in the world was found in ancient Egypt, and historians believe that the people of the world have been able to weave rugs since 2500 BC. Around the same time when humans figured out how to spin goat and sheep wool and turn it into yarn. 

Currently, except for Iran, China, India, Pakistan and Turkmenistan are among the most important carpet weaving centers in the world. In Afghanistan, this type of rug is called a carpet like in Iran, and at one time it was called Chilim. Caucasian people call it Badas and in Syria and Lebanon it was known as Liyat.

Earlier in the history of Iran's hand-woven carpet, we said that the carpet in this land was borrowed by the nomads who roamed the Iranian plateau. Therefore, carpet weaving in Iran has an ancient history and you can see all kinds of carpet weaving in Iran.

Differences between rugs and carpets

Many buyers ask sellers what is the difference between a carpet and a rug? Putting a hand-woven carpet and a hand-woven rug together reveals their differences well, and maybe no explanation can clarify the issue for you as well as this visual experience. However, as a more specialized explanation, here are some of the differences between carpets and rugs. 

  • The most important thing that makes the carpet different from the carpet is the pile issue. Handwoven carpets have piles and rugs do not. Pile is what gives dimension to the carpet. In fact, if you put a rug and a carpet together, you will see that the carpet has a dimension and the woven knots give the carpet a dimension with the help of piles. But this is not the case in the carpet and you can see the woven knot on the warp and weft.
For this reason, the carpet is a softer and more comfortable product to sit on, and it has this advantage over the rug. 
  • The next issue is the difficulty of weaving and the time it takes to weave a carpet and a rug. Rugs are much easier to weave than carpets and are finished much sooner. For this reason, carpet texture may be more economical;
  • Another important difference is that the price of the carpet is significantly different from the rug and is much more expensive, especially the hand-woven carpet.
  • Rugs are woven on horizontal looms and carpets are generally woven on vertical looms, and this is another difference between this carpet and rug.
  • Also, the next issue that makes a big difference between carpets and rugs is the dimensions of these two products. Rugs are often not so big and unlike carpets, they can play the main role of the house for design and are usually thrown in the margins.
  • The small and different dimensions of the rugs make them often used to cover the floors of small rooms, corridors and corners of houses.

Types of Iranian carpet weaves

There are several general categories to recognize the types of Iranian carpet weaves. Carpets are divided into the following three categories based on the type of texture:

  • Simple woven rug
  • A prominent carpet
  • Varnish rug

Weaving locations of Iranian rugs

Also, rugs, like carpets, can be classified based on the geographical location of their texture:

  • Harsin rug
  • Balochi rug
  • Mazandaran carpet
  • Glim Shahson
  • Qashqai rug
  • Gilim Sane
  • Afshar rug
  • Glim Lori
  • Glim Khamsa
  • Gilim Zarand
  • Turkmen rug
  • Amber rug

Khamse rug - types of Persian rug weaves

Format of Iranian carpet texture

Also, rugs can be classified according to their texture format in a much more detailed way.      

  •   A carpet with a tar texture
  •  Rug with weft texture
  •   Biased rug

Iranian hand-woven weft rug

Weft rugs also have four more detailed categories:

  •    Simple rug
  •    sumac rug
  •    Garment hanging fabric
  •    A prominent carpet

Kashan's outstanding carpet - types of Persian carpet weaves

Iranian hand-woven carpet

Biased carpets are also divided into two categories:

  •     Weaving wheel
  •     wave weave


The history of hand-woven Iranian rugs

As we said, the history of carpets has a deep connection with the history of nomadic life and the desert. This beautiful product was used as the underlay of tents, a salable asset and a valuable reserve, a means of carrying goods on animals in the sense of camels and the like, as well as instead of doors and windows of tents and as a means of protecting tents and campers from the cold. 

The prosperity of carpet weaving had increased so much throughout history that in the 17th and 18th centuries in the central plateau of Iran, it was considered as an inseparable part of the dowry of girls, and Farahani cities were known as the center of carpet trade and had a great impact on the trade and economy of the cities.

At this time, every village that had a carpet production workshop meant that a large clan or a tribe of nomads had settled there and led a sedentary life. The same process of settling down and turning to urban life caused changes in the structure of rugs.

Later, the public interest in rugs and finding their way to the world markets caused a wave of changes in the texture of rugs and their designs. In such a way that traditional rugs could only be seen in more traditional areas far from modernity. 


Afghanistan, which is one of the most closed countries in the region; Due to this lack of communication and traditional life, it is one of the last areas where old traditions of carpet weaving can still be found. In contemporary Iran, the establishment of Mustarfa Industrial School caused a revolution in carpet weaving.

Workshops for carpet weaving were also prepared in this school, and experienced professors from around Iran gathered to train the students. Professor Isa Bahadri is one of the most important students raised in this school, who is an important and influential figure in the contemporary history of weaving, especially the carpet of Iran.

Balochi handwoven rug - types of Persian rug weaves

The most important carpet weaving cities

In general, all the cities that were on the path of movement of Iranian tribes and nomads are now centers for carpet production. Nowadays, you can find carpet weaving workshops in many cities of Iran; But perhaps the most important carpet weaving cities are: 

  • Zanjan
  • Mazandaran
  • Shiraz
  • Sari
  • Sanandaj
  • Sirjan
  • Harsin
  • Zabul

Zanjan rug

For example, in the northwestern and western regions of Iran, you can find Shahsoon carpets in abundance. Zanjan is one of these centers and you can easily find beautiful Shahson rugs that are hand-woven by the survivors of the great Shahson clan. 


Woven rugs are also used as a covering for horses in this area, and it is very common among local horsemen to buy rugs to throw over their horses.

Five tribes lived in the south of Iran with the names of Inanlu, Baharlu, Shibari, Jabareh and Mesir which were known as this Khamsa. The residents of this tribe weave one of the most famous rugs in Iran, which is known as  the Khamse rug  , and now it can be found in Shiraz. This rug is also included in the category of sumac rugs.

In the texture of this rug, dark colors and rhombus designs are used, which are derived from celestial objects. Of course, now and with changing tastes, you may also find carpets with a bright background among Khumsa rugs.

Mazandaran carpet

Carpet weaving and Jajim weaving in Mazandaran also had a great prosperity for a long time. Kerchal was a machine and a workshop where village women wove rugs and rugs, and many examples of it can still be seen in areas such as Alasht, Lafur, and Hajar Jarib.

In Mazandaran, due to high humidity, it was customary to cover the floor of the house with felt and then cover the felt with carpet. Also, in forest and wooden houses, carpets were used to cover the wall and protect the house from the cold outside. Now, many carpets are woven in Alasht Swadkoh. Also, in the more traditional areas of Mazandaran, such as Belde, Iranian carpet weaving is still popular. Their big sales market is still big cities like Sari.

Sanandaj rug

Sanandaj is one of the most important Iranian carpet and rug weaving centers. As Sane carpets and even sometimes Sane knot were very famous at one time. The policies of some Iranian kings regarding the migration of Kurds and their forced settlement in the north and east of Iran caused them to take the weaving culture with them to different cities.

The result of this migration can be clearly seen in the north of Khorasan and the western regions of Mazandaran. But Sanandaj itself is still one of the poles of carpet weaving in Iran. Sanandaj Sumak rugs are woven with interlocking rhombus patterns and are very eye-catching.

Sanandaj rug or Sane Kurdistan rug - Iranian rug buying guide

Gilim Sirjan

Sirjanis consider themselves the carpet capital of the world. This claim is not unreasonable. They weave a type of carpet that is unique. "Shiriki Pich" carpet, which is a special style of carpet weaving. Every knitted thing is the result of interweaving of warp and weft. All kinds of carpets and underlays are formed with the help of the weft and the final image of the product is the result of the weft. . kilim bag 

Sirjan rug - needle weave - types of Persian rug weave

Harsin rug

Hercynians have a type of mentally woven carpet that is no less than the Tabriz carpet. Harsin rug made of goat's wool, with its white and dark red colors, is world famous and has been registered worldwide.

The Baloch people of Iran also have a special technique for weaving Iranian rugs. They weave the edges of the rugs from goat hair and believe that goat hair prevents scorpions from coming on the rug. This issue is very important for people who lived in Caper and open space.

Gilim Zarand

Zarand rug  has a texture with small slits. Most of the work is done by the Turkic-speaking elements of Shahson, a large number of whom have settled in this area. Zarand rugs are long, narrow and durable. Conventional designs with flowers and plants with creeping hair and sometimes in the form of a mesh rhombus design or two to three bergamots are combined.

Turkmen rug

Turkmen rug  is light and strong. In these rugs, color is the most important factor and red color with different bright shades has a special role, other colors are orange, blue, green and sometimes yellow. These contrasting colors create a beautiful harmony.

Turkmen rug - Iranian rug buying guide

Anbaran rug

This type of carpet is woven in Anbaran, Ardabil, and it can be said that the patterns of this carpet are adapted from Shiriki Pich, and usually the tranji is less visible in the middle, and the flower of the text, which is called Kashmiri, fills it all over with repetition, and other flowers that are used in this  carpet The ambers  used are: Khara, Shah Abbasi flower, Garmai flower, Jaft flower, and there is a border in this rug, which is called Charkhi border and the other is called Vakili border.

A sample of amber carpet - Iranian carpet buying guide

Applications of Iranian rugs

Due to their price and dimensions, rugs are a suitable option for covering the floor of kitchens and children's rooms. The use of their types of machines also leaves the hand of any designer open to design a traditional or modern space. Anyway, you can put a variety of products in your home at a low price.

Also, their various dimensions are very suitable for interior design. Carpets are available in the market from 2 to 12 meters; But the handmade rugs are mostly smaller in size. 

Application of carpet - Iranian carpet

Advantages and disadvantages of buying Iranian rugs

  • The most important drawback of rugs for covering the floors of houses is the issue of ceramics. This underlay was designed for Ili and nomadic tents; But on a smooth and polished surface such as ceramic and modern parquets, it is very prone to sliding. Therefore, if you buy a rug for your home, you should think about creating friction between it and the floor. 
  • The next issue is to recognize a hand-woven rug from a machine-made rug. Machine-made rugs are also produced these days, and you should know how to distinguish between the two. But on the other hand, carpets are very popular because of their cheap price.
  • These underlays are always acceptable solutions to cover the strange places of the houses. Because in order to make maximum use of the house land, unbalanced designs are implemented in them.

For this reason, you are usually faced with many corners in houses that cannot be covered with carpets. For this reason, rugs are the best option for this issue due to their dimensional variety.

Carpet carpet machine

With the development of machine-made carpet workshops, a lot of diversity also emerged in the production of other products such as carpets. Now, as a machine-made carpet rug, it is a popular product among Iranian families. These rugs have more variety of design and role and considering their price, they are considered a cost-effective option.

If you are interested in the modern design of your home or workplace, you can go for carpets. Because they are placed in the category of modern carpets due to their various designs and plans. In addition to the density of their texture, which is often 400 combs, they give you a better quality of a rug and are more resistant to washing and pollution. These rugs are light weight and easy to move.

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